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Hey! That's me!

My name is Bethany, as you may have guessed by the URL and the various other spots on this blog where my name shows up. If we're getting straight to the point; I'm an over-thinker. A major one. As someone that has suffered from pretty severe anxiety since the 3rd grade, I've done my fair share of looking far to deep into things that most people wouldn't think twice about. 

Something I have noticed is that I'm quite good at helping other people see the bright side or avoid over-thinking. If I can help them avoid it, why is it so hard for me do do it myself? That's why I'm here. I guess my hope is that as I write about my experiences with anxiety it will help me see, in writing, why the thoughts are irrational or over-thought, or maybe help me to see them in a different light. 

As I write I hope that people may find it helpful. Maybe they can relate to my experiences or thoughts. Maybe they know someone with anxiety and my words help them understand that person a bit better. Whoever finds this blog, I hope you can appreciate my efforts to take control back from my anxiety. 


P.S. I also thoroughly enjoy writing, but I tend to ramble and get lost in my own thoughts (surprise surprise) so don't be surprised if my writing reflects that.

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