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5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Quitting

As soon as I reach an obstacle, the first thing I try to do is figure out how to get out of dealing with it. Sometimes that's okay, but I like to ask myself 5 questions before making that decision.

Nobody in their right mind enjoys getting frustrated with something or trying something that scares them. Sure, some people like a challenge, but that doesn't mean they're going to have a giant smile on their face the entire time. Sometimes things get tough, and some extra effort is required to pull through and push forward.

I've found that considering the following questions usually results in me mentally smacking myself for considering calling it quits, or mentally smacking myself for almost making myself go through something that turned out to be unnecessarily stressful.

It might be a job where the days seem to be getting longer each time you step into the office. Maybe you have an assignment you're considering throwing in the towel and settling for whatever grade your professor deems fit for a paper that is half of the required word count. Maybe you have a date coming up and you're considering backing out as the nerves set in.

Whatever scenario may be, there are some things you should think about first.

You didn't come this far only to come this far.

1. What was the initial reason for getting into this situation?

It's very rare that you'll find yourself in a situation where there wasn't an initial reason for getting yourself into it. "I'm going to the grocery store because I need apples and bananas," is the "because" that you find yourself stopped in the street talking to an old lady that is gushing about how grown up you look while you internally panic trying to figure out how the hell this lady knows who you are. At this moment, think about why you came; you needed those apples and bananas.

2. Does the task you set out to do need to get done right now?

Think about it, are you going to eat all those apples and bananas as soon as you get home? Or was this excursion in preparation for your work lunches next week? Are those apples and bananas going to disappear if you don't go to the grocery store right this minute? Is your boss expecting those apples and bananas on their desk at 7:30 a.m. on the dot?

3. What do you get out of finishing the task?

If you continue with this task right now and push through, are you going to get those apples and bananas? Will you be too distracted by trying to figure out how that woman knew you and blindly grab a pineapple? This pretty much ties into the first question; why did you set out on this journey in the first place?

4. Who else would be affected if you decided to back out?

If you don't have those apples and bananas on your boss's desk on time, will their kid's science fair project be hopeless from that point on? Or will they thank whatever gods may be out there that they no longer have to do the fruit option that had some fancy science explanation involved and can settle for a classic vinegar and baking soda volcano? I'm a major believer of putting your own happiness first, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't also consider who else might be affected, be it positively or negatively.

5. Give yourself credit for how far you've already come.

Okay so this one isn't a question, but think about it. You got out of the house. The supermarket is just around the corner. You've brightened an old lady's day simply by existing and going out in public. Maybe going out was a major step for you so give yourself a pat on the back. You made a plan and started it, sometimes that's enough. Maybe you've come far enough to make it worth it to push through and get the job done. Maybe this is something that can wait 'til later for the sake of finding some comfort.


Priorities are a major thing for some people. As an anxious person, I know I'm constantly figuring out what I need to be getting done as opposed to what I could do but could also wait until later to avoid unnecessary stress.

Sometimes getting out of your comfort zone is worth it, sometimes it definitely isn't. Hopefully this post can help you figure it out!

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1 Comment

Emily Duberville
Emily Duberville
Jan 21, 2020

This is really awesome advice! It’s my Achilles heel, I’ll be trying the apples and bananas approach!

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