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Why share my odd little thoughts?

As anyone that constantly overthinks would understand, thoughts can travel faster than the speed of light, then trip on a piece of space debris and end up tumbling down a mountain, hitting a ski jump, only to splash into the middle of the ocean and drift off onto a completely different topic. I often find my thoughts becoming overwhelming to the point that I can't always keep track of which thing I wanted to be thinking about.

I think it would be invaluable for not just myself but for anyone that stumbles across my writing to have a written record of some of the things that go through my head. Some of what I post on here could be completely non-sensical or unimportant. Some of it might get a bit deeper into subjects where rambling about a thought's adventure across various landscapes might be less appropriate, but it's a way for me to sort my thoughts, and perhaps a way for you to compare yours.

I can't be the only person that looks around to see if anyone is looking at me, judging me for tripping over the leg of a chair. There must be others our there that notice someone's new haircut and you think it looks nice but you don't know if you should say anything because you're not overly close with that person and they might think you're weird for noticing something like that. Maybe I'm not alone in being someone that sees a grey squirrel make a particularly far jump to a branch and wonder if that squirrel has dreams to be the first flying squirrel that isn't a flying squirrel by blood.

An over-thinker has a gift and a curse. While some of us may come up with some brilliant stories about squirrel Olympics, others may get stuck in wondering if their mum is having a good day and it can spiral into something darker. My odd little thoughts could be a distraction for some, an enlightenment for others, or an idea of what might be going through the head of that girl at the side of the classroom staring out the window. I'll leave that open to your own interpretation.

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